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under the hand and seal of Mr X

  • 1 under the hand and seal

    Юридический термин: за подписью и печатью

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > under the hand and seal

  • 2 under the hand and seal

    English-Ukrainian law dictionary > under the hand and seal

  • 3 under my hand and seal 2 the seal of approval 3

    under my hand and seal за моей собственноручной подписью и с приложениемпечати 2) знак, доказательство, гарантия; the seal of approval знак одобрения3) tech. изолирующий слой, изоляция 4) tech. перемычка; затвор 5) tech. обтю-ратор seal of love печать любви (поцелуй, рождение ребенка и т. п.) seal ofdeath in one's face печать смерти на лице 2. v. 1) ставить печать, скреплятьпечатью 2) скреплять (сделку и т. п.) 3) запечатывать (тж. seal up); my lipsare sealed - на моих устах печать молчания; я должен молчать 4) опечатывать,пломбировать 5) герметически закрывать, изолировать; замазывать, запаивать(тж. seal up) 6) окончательно решать; his answer sealed our fate его ответ ре-шил нашу судьбу 7) торжественно узаконить; to seal a marriage сочетать браком

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > under my hand and seal 2 the seal of approval 3

  • 4 under the hand of

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > under the hand of

  • 5 under vår hånd og rikets segl

    under our hand and the seal of the realm

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > under vår hånd og rikets segl

  • 6 given under my hand

    фраз. подписано мною; совершено (составлено, выдано) за моей собственноручной подписью

    Given under my hand and the Seal of the Common Pleas Court of said Lancaster Court at Lancaster, PA, this 27th day of January, 2003. — Подписано мною с приложением официальной печати Суда общегражданских исков вышеупомянутого округа Ланкастер, Пенсильвания, 27-го дня января 2003 года.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > given under my hand

  • 7 seal

    I 1. [si:l] noun
    1) (a piece of wax or other material bearing a design, attached to a document to show that it is genuine and legal.) pečat
    2) (a piece of wax etc used to seal a parcel etc.) pečat
    3) ((something that makes) a complete closure or covering: Paint and varnish act as protective seals for woodwork.) zaščita
    2. verb
    1) (to mark with a seal: The document was signed and sealed.) zapečatiti
    2) ((negative unseal) to close completely: He licked and sealed the envelope; All the air is removed from a can of food before it is sealed.) zapreti
    3) (to settle or decide: This mistake sealed his fate.) zapečatiti
    - seal of approval
    - seal off
    - set one's seal to
    II [si:l] noun
    (any of several types of sea animal, some furry, living partly on land.) tjulenj
    * * *
    I [si:l]
    tjulenj; tjulenjevina (meso, koža); tjulenje usnje (tudi imitacija); rdečkasto rumeno rjava barva (tjulenja)
    eared seal — morski lev;
    intransitive verb
    iti na lov na tjulenje
    II [si:l]
    pečat (tudi figuratively); žig; pečatnik; (carinska) plomba; snov za zamašitev odprtin; technical sifon; figuratively jamstvo, poroštvo, garancija, zagotovitev, obljuba, zastavek, založek, zalog
    seal of love figuratively poljub; rojstvo otroka; poroštvo, jamstvo ljubezni
    the Great Seal British English veliki državni pečat lorda kanclerja (s katerim se zapečatijo spisi parlamenta in važne državne listine)
    the Privy Seal British English mali državni pečat (ki se daje na listine, ki jim ni potreben veliki državni pečat ali ki se bodo pozneje predložile parlamentu)
    under the seal of secrecy — pod pečatom molčečnosti, kot tajnost
    to resign the seals figuratively odpovedati se službovanju
    to set one's seal to s.th. — pritisniti svoj pečat na kaj, zapečatiti; overiti, potrditi, avtorizirati kaj
    III [si:l]
    transitive verb
    zapečatiti (tudi figuratively), dokončno odločiti, dati pečat na, žigosati; potrditi, ratificirati, sankcionirati; dokazati; zamašiti, začepiti (up), (hermetično) zapreti; označiti, zaznamovati; učvrstiti kaj s pomočjo cementa; zaliti (s svincem, smolo, z malto)
    to seal one's devotion with one's death — dokazati, potrditi svojo vdanost s smrtjo
    to seal (up) a window — tesno, hermetično zapreti okno

    English-Slovenian dictionary > seal

  • 8 under

    1) нижче; вниз
    2) прийм. під; за; у відповідності з; згідно; в силу; на підставі
    3) преф. недо-; суб-

    under pains and penalties of law — під страхом покарань, встановлених законом

    under the color of exercising the duties of an office= under the colour of exercising the duties of an office під приводом виконання службових обов'язків ( функцій)

    under the colour of exercising the duties of an office= under the color of exercising the duties of an office

    - under a sentence for a crime
    - under a sentence of death
    - under a special procedure
    - under advisement
    - under-age
    - under agreement
    - under authority
    - under cloud
    - under constraint
    - under control
    - under copyright
    - under date of
    - under duress
    - under granted powers
    - under hand and seal
    - under heavy guard
    - under judicial deliberation
    - under-lease
    - under-lessee
    - under orders
    - under pain of death
    - under pain of punishment
    - under penalty
    - under police supervision
    - under police surveillance
    - under prescribed circumstances
    - under present law
    - under reservations
    - under seal
    - under seal of secrecy
    - under-secretary
    - under-sheriff
    - under-staffing
    - under surveillance
    - under-tenant
    - under the aegis
    - under the auspices
    - under the authority
    - under the chair
    - under the chairmanship
    - under the claim of right
    - under the color
    - under the colour
    - under the color of office
    - under the colour of office
    - under the color of law
    - under the control
    - under the cover
    - under the guise
    - under the hand and seal
    - under the influence of alcohol
    - under the law
    - under the license
    - under the licence
    - under the oath
    - under the pretence
    - under the pretence of office
    - under the pretence of right
    - under the pretext
    - under the protection of law
    - under the sentence for a crime
    - under the supervision
    - under the sway of passion
    - under-the-table
    - under the terms
    - under the weight of evidence
    - under usual reserve

    English-Ukrainian law dictionary > under

  • 9 hand

    1. noun
    1) (Anat., Zool.) Hand, die

    eat from or out of somebody's hand — (lit. or fig.) jemandem aus der Hand fressen

    get one's hands dirty(lit. or fig.) sich (Dat.) die Hände schmutzig machen

    give somebody one's hand(reach, shake) jemandem die Hand geben od. reichen

    give or lend [somebody] a hand [with or in something] — [jemandem] [bei etwas] helfen

    pass or go through somebody's hands — (fig.) durch jemandes Hand od. Hände gehen

    hand in handHand in Hand

    go hand in hand [with something] — (fig.) [mit etwas] Hand in Hand gehen

    the problem/matter in hand — das vorliegende Problem/die vorliegende Angelegenheit

    hold handsHändchen halten (ugs. scherzh.); sich bei den Händen halten

    hold somebody's hand — jemandes Hand halten; jemandem die Hand halten; (fig.): (give somebody close guidance) jemanden bei der Hand nehmen; (fig.): (give somebody moral support or backing) jemandem das Händchen halten (iron.)

    hands off!Hände od. Finger weg!

    take/keep one's hands off somebody/something — jemanden/etwas loslassen/nicht anfassen

    keep one's hands off something(fig.) die Finger von etwas lassen (ugs.)

    hands up [all those in favour] — wer dafür ist, hebt die Hand!

    hands up!(as sign of surrender) Hände hoch!

    hands down(fig.) (easily) mit links (ugs.); (without a doubt, by a large margin) ganz klar (ugs.)

    be at hand(be nearby) in der Nähe sein; (be about to happen) unmittelbar bevorstehen

    out of hand(summarily) kurzerhand

    be to hand(be readily available, within reach) zur Hand sein; (be received) [Brief, Notiz, Anweisung:] vorliegen

    go/pass from hand to hand — von Hand zu Hand gehen

    be hand in glove [with] — unter einer Decke stecken [mit]

    wait on somebody hand and foot(fig.) jemanden vorn und hinten bedienen (ugs.)

    have one's hands full — die Hände voll haben; (fig.): (be fully occupied) alle Hände voll zu tun haben (ugs.)

    hand on heart(fig.) Hand aufs Herz

    get one's hands on somebody/something — jemanden erwischen od. (ugs.) in die Finger kriegen/etwas auftreiben

    lay or put one's hand on something — etwas finden

    by hand(manually) mit der od. von Hand; (in handwriting) handschriftlich; (by messenger) durch Boten

    2) (fig.): (authority)

    with a firm/iron hand — mit starker Hand/eiserner Faust [regieren]

    he needs a father's hander braucht die väterliche Hand

    get out of hand — außer Kontrolle geraten; see also academic.ru/73191/take">take 1. 6); upper 1. 1)

    have a free hand to do something — freie Hand haben, etwas zu tun

    3) in pl. (custody)

    in somebody's hands, in the hands of somebody — (in somebody's possession) in jemandes Besitz; (in somebody's care) in jemandes Obhut

    fall into somebody's hands[Person, Geld:] jemandem in die Hände fallen

    have [got] something/somebody on one's hands — sich um etwas/jemanden kümmern müssen

    he's got such a lot/enough on his hands at the moment — er hat augenblicklich so viel/genug um die Ohren (ugs.)

    have time on one's hands — [viel] Zeit haben; (too much) mit seiner Zeit nichts anzufangen wissen

    take somebody/something off somebody's hands — jemandem jemanden/etwas abnehmen

    have something in hand — etwas zur Verfügung haben; (not used up) etwas [übrig] haben

    be on handda sein

    5) (share)

    have a hand in somethingbei etwas seine Hände im Spiel haben

    take a hand [in something] — sich [an etwas (Dat.)] beteiligen

    6) (agency) Wirken, das (geh.)

    suffer/suffer injustice at the hands of somebody — unter jemandem/jemandes Ungerechtigkeit zu leiden haben

    7) (pledge of marriage)

    ask for or seek somebody's hand [in marriage] — um jemandes Hand bitten od. (geh.) anhalten

    8) (worker) Arbeitskraft, die; Arbeiter, der; (Naut.): (seaman) Hand, die (fachspr.); Matrose, der
    9) (person having ability)

    be a good/poor hand at tennis — ein guter/schwacher Tennisspieler sein

    10) (source) Quelle, die

    at first/second/third hand — aus erster/zweiter/dritter Hand; see also firsthand; second-hand

    11) (skill) Geschick, das

    get one's hand inwieder in Übung kommen od. (ugs.) reinkommen

    12) (style of handwriting) Handschrift, die; (signature) Unterschrift, die
    13) (of clock or watch) Zeiger, der
    14) (side) Seite, die

    on the right/left hand — rechts/links; rechter/linker Hand

    on somebody's right/left hand — rechts/links von jemandem; zu jemandes Rechten/Linken

    on every handvon allen Seiten [umringt sein]; ringsum [etwas sehen]

    on the one hand..., [but] on the other [hand]... — einerseits..., andererseits...; auf der einen Seite..., auf der anderen Seite...

    15) (measurement) Handbreit, die
    16) (coll.): (applause) Beifall, der; Applaus, der

    give him a big hand, let's have a big hand for him — viel Applaus od. Beifall für ihn!

    17) (cards) Karte, die; (period of play) Runde, die; see also throw in 4)
    2. transitive verb
    geben; [Überbringer:] übergeben [Sendung, Lieferung]

    hand something [a]round — (pass round, circulate) etwas herumgeben; (among group) etwas herumgehen lassen

    you've got to hand it to them/her — etc. (fig. coll.) das muss man ihnen/ihr usw. lassen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    [hænd] 1. noun
    1) (the part of the body at the end of the arm.) die Hand
    2) (a pointer on a clock, watch etc: Clocks usually have an hour hand and a minute hand.) der Zeiger
    3) (a person employed as a helper, crew member etc: a farm hand; All hands on deck!) der Arbeiter,der Mann
    4) (help; assistance: Can I lend a hand?; Give me a hand with this box, please.) die Hilfe
    5) (a set of playing-cards dealt to a person: I had a very good hand so I thought I had a chance of winning.) das Blatt
    6) (a measure (approximately centimetres) used for measuring the height of horses: a horse of 14 hands.) die Handbreit
    7) (handwriting: written in a neat hand.) die Handschrift
    2. verb
    (often with back, down, up etc)
    1) (to give (something) to someone by hand: I handed him the book; He handed it back to me; I'll go up the ladder, and you can hand the tools up to me.) geben
    2) (to pass, transfer etc into another's care etc: That is the end of my report from Paris. I'll now hand you back to Fred Smith in the television studio in London.) zurückgeben
    - handful
    - handbag
    - handbill
    - handbook
    - handbrake
    - handcuff
    - handcuffs
    - hand-lens
    - handmade
    - hand-operated
    - hand-out
    - hand-picked
    - handshake
    - handstand
    - handwriting
    - handwritten
    - at hand
    - at the hands of
    - be hand in glove with someone
    - be hand in glove
    - by hand
    - fall into the hands of someone
    - fall into the hands
    - force someone's hand
    - get one's hands on
    - give/lend a helping hand
    - hand down
    - hand in
    - hand in hand
    - hand on
    - hand out
    - hand-out
    - handout
    - hand over
    - hand over fist
    - hands down
    - hands off! - hands-on
    - hands up! - hand to hand
    - have a hand in something
    - have a hand in
    - have/get/gain the upper hand
    - hold hands with someone
    - hold hands
    - in good hands
    - in hand
    - in the hands of
    - keep one's hand in
    - off one's hands
    - on hand
    - on the one hand... on the other hand
    -... on the other hand
    - out of hand
    - shake hands with someone / shake someone's hand
    - shake hands with / shake someone's hand
    - a show of hands
    - take in hand
    - to hand
    * * *
    I. NOUN
    1. ANAT Hand f
    all these toys are made by \hand das ganze Spielzeug hier ist handgemacht
    get [or keep] your \hands off! Hände [o fam Pfoten] weg!
    \hands up! Hände hoch!
    \hands up who wants to come! Hand hoch, wer kommen will
    he had his \hands in his pockets er hatte die Hände in den Hosentaschen
    they were just holding \hands sie hielten doch nur Händchen
    the letter was delivered by \hand der Brief wurde durch einen Boten überbracht
    the student put up her \hand die Schülerin meldete sich
    to crawl on \hands and knees auf allen vieren kriechen
    to get down on one's \hands and knees auf die Knie gehen
    pen in \hand mit gezücktem Stift
    to have one's \hands full die Hände voll haben
    to be good with one's \hands geschickte Hände haben, manuell geschickt sein
    in one's [left/right] \hand in der [linken/rechten] Hand
    to get one's \hands dirty ( also fig) sich dat die Hände schmutzig machen
    to change \hands ( fig) in andere Hände übergehen
    to do sth by \hand (not by machine) work etw von Hand machen; product etw von Hand fertigen
    to hold sb's \hand jdm die Hand halten
    to keep one's \hands off sth die Finger von etw dat lassen
    to keep one's \hands off sb die Hände von jdm lassen
    to put sth into sb's \hands jdm etw in die Hand geben
    to shake \hands with sb, to shake sb's \hand jdm die Hand schütteln; (done when introducing) sich dat die Hand geben
    to take sth out of sb's \hands jdm etw aus der Hand nehmen
    to take sb by the \hand jdn an die [o bei der] Hand nehmen
    to lead sb by the \hand jdn an der Hand führen
    \hand in \hand Hand in Hand; (give assistance) jdn bei der Hand nehmen
    2. (needing attention)
    at \hand vorliegend
    the job at \hand die Arbeit, die zu tun ist
    the problem in \hand das anstehende Problem
    the matter in \hand die vorliegende Angelegenheit
    in \hand bei der Hand, verfügbar
    he had a lot of money in \hand er hatte viel Geld zur Verfügung
    4. (close, within reach)
    at [or to] \hand nah, in Reichweite
    to \hand COMM zur Hand
    to keep sth close at \hand etw in Reichweite haben
    to keep sth ready at \hand etw bereithalten
    to be at \hand zur Verfügung stehen, verfügbar sein
    we want to ensure that help is at \hand for all wir wollen sicherstellen, dass allen geholfen werden kann
    to have sth to \hand etw zur Verfügung haben
    he uses whatever materials come to \hand er verwendet einfach alle Materialien, die ihm in die Hände kommen
    to have sth on one's \hands etw an der Hand haben, über etw akk verfügen
    she's got a lot of work on her \hands sie hat wahnsinnig viel zu tun
    he's got a lot of time on his \hands er hat viel Zeit zur Verfügung
    we've got a problem on our \hands wir haben ein Problem am Hals
    5. (at one's service)
    on \hand (available) bereit, zur Verfügung
    my bank always has an advisor on \hand in meiner Bank steht den Kunden immer ein Berater zur Verfügung
    it's the \hand of fate das ist die Hand des Schicksals
    at [or by] the \hands of sb/sth durch jdn/etw
    my life is in your \hands mein Leben liegt in Ihren Händen
    your life is in your own \hands Sie haben Ihr Leben selbst in der Hand
    to be in good [or excellent] \hands in guten Händen sein
    to be in safe \hands in sicheren Händen sein
    to get sb/sth off one's \hands jdn/etw los sein
    we can relax now that we've got the kids off our \hands jetzt wo man uns die Kinder abgenommen hat, können wir etwas ausspannen
    to have a \hand in sth bei etw dat seine Hand [o die Finger] [mit] im Spiel haben, bei etw dat mitmischen
    it is thought that terrorists had a \hand in this explosion man geht davon aus, dass der Bombenanschlag auf das Konto von Terroristen geht
    to leave sth/sb in sb's \hands jdm etw überlassen/jdn in jds Obhut lassen
    to put sth into the \hands of sb/sth jdm/etw etw übergeben [o überlassen]
    there's no more we can do except leave it in the solicitor's \hands jetzt können wir nichts weiter tun als alles dem Anwalt zu überlassen
    my \hands are tied mir sind die Hände gebunden
    sth is in \hand (receiving attention, being arranged) für etw akk ist gesorgt
    to be well in \hand gut laufen fam
    to have sth well in \hand etw gut im Griff haben
    a firm \hand eine [ge]strenge Hand
    to fall into the wrong \hands in die falschen Hände geraten [o gelangen]
    to be in/out of sb's \hands unter/außerhalb jds Kontrolle sein
    it's in your \hands now, you deal with it das liegt jetzt in deiner Hand, du bearbeitest das
    to have everything in \hand alles unter Kontrolle haben
    to get out of \hand situation, matter außer Kontrolle geraten; children nicht mehr zu bändigen sein
    the horse got out of \hand ich/er, usw. verlor die Kontrolle über das Pferd
    the party got out of hand die Party ist ausgeartet
    to have sth in \hand etw unter Kontrolle haben
    to take sb/sth in \hand sich dat jdn/etw vornehmen
    8. (assistance) Hilfe f
    would you like a \hand with that bag? soll ich Ihnen helfen, die Tasche zu tragen?
    would you like a \hand carrying those bags? soll ich Ihnen beim Tragen der Taschen helfen?
    to give [or lend] sb a \hand [with sth] jdm [bei etw dat] helfen [o behilflich sein]
    to [be able to] use a \hand with sth esp AM bei etw dat Hilfe gebrauchen [können]
    9. (manual worker) Arbeiter(in) m(f), Kraft f, Mann m
    how many extra \hands will we need? wie viele Leute brauchen wir extra?; (sailor) Matrose m
    factory \hand ungelernter Fabrikarbeiter/ungelernte Fabrikarbeiterin
    10. (skilful person) Könner(in) m(f)
    [to be] a dab \hand at sth ein Könner/eine Könnerin auf seinem/ihrem Gebiet [sein], ein Geschick nt für etw akk haben
    he's quite a \hand at wallpapering er ist ziemlich gut beim Tapezieren
    he's a real Russia \hand er ist ein echter Russlandkenner
    I'm an old \hand at... ich bin ein alter Hase im/in der...
    to be good with one's \hands handfertig sein
    to keep one's \hand in (stay in practice) in Übung bleiben
    to turn one's \hand to sth sich akk an etw akk machen
    Jane can turn her \hand to just about anything Jane gelingt einfach alles, was sie anpackt
    11. (on clock, watch) Zeiger m
    minute \hand Minutenzeiger m
    the big/little \hand der große/kleine Zeiger
    12. CARDS Blatt nt
    to deal a \hand ein Blatt nt austeilen
    to show one's \hand seine Karten [o sein Blatt] zeigen
    a \hand of poker eine Runde Poker
    13. (horse measurement) Handbreit f
    14. (handwriting) Handschrift f
    in sb's \hand in jds Handschrift
    the note was written in someone else's \hand jemand anders hatte die Nachricht geschrieben
    to give sb a big \hand jdm einen großen Applaus spenden, jdn mit großem Beifall begrüßen
    16. (without consideration)
    out of \hand kurzerhand, mir nichts dir nichts fam
    they rejected any negotiations out of \hand sie schlugen jedwelche Verhandlungen kurzerhand aus
    17. COMM (in stock)
    goods on \hand Vorräte pl
    inventory on \hand FIN Vorratsbestand m
    stock on \hand verfügbarer Bestand m
    18. FIN
    note of \hand Schuldschein m
    19. COMPUT
    \hands off automatisches System
    \hands on operatorbedientes System
    to ask for sb's \hand in marriage ( form) jdn um ihre/seine Hand bitten, jdm einen Heiratsantrag machen
    a bird in the \hand [is worth two in the bush] ( prov) ein Spatz in der Hand ist besser als die Taube auf dem Dach prov
    to eat out of sb's \hands jdm aus der Hand fressen
    at first/second \hand aus erster/zweiter Hand
    to get one's \hands on sb jdn zu fassen kriegen fam, jdn schnappen fam
    to be \hand in glove [with sb] [or AM\hand and \hand] [mit jdm] unter einer Decke stecken pej
    to go \hand in \hand [with sth] Hand in Hand gehen [mit etw dat]
    to have got [sb] on one's \hands [mit jdm] zu tun haben
    to have one's \hands full jede Menge zu tun haben
    to only have one pair of \hands auch nur zwei Hände haben
    to keep a firm \hand on sth etw fest im Griff behalten
    to lay [or get] [or put] one's \hands on sth etw erwerben [o erstehen] [o fam kriegen]
    to live from \hand to mouth von der Hand in den Mund leben, sich akk gerade so durchschlagen fam, gerade so über die Runden kommen fam
    to lose/make money \hand over fist Geld schnell verlieren/scheffeln
    many \hands make light work ( prov) viele Hände machen der Arbeit bald ein Ende prov
    on the one \hand... on the other [\hand]... einerseits... andererseits
    to put in \hand esp BRIT ausführen
    all hospitals now have disaster plans to put in \hand allen Krankenhäusern stehen jetzt Katastrophenvorkehrungen zur Verfügung
    to put [or dip] one's \hand in the till in die Kasse greifen, einen Griff in die Kasse tun
    with one \hand tied:
    I could beat you with one \hand tied ich könnte dich mit links schlagen
    to have one's \hands tied nichts tun können
    my \hands have been tied mir sind die Hände gebunden
    to wait on sb \hand and foot jdn von vorne bis hinten bedienen
    to win \hands down spielend [o mit links] gewinnen
    to \hand sb sth [or to \hand sth to sb] jdm etw [über]geben [o [über]reichen]
    you've got to \hand it to sb man muss es jdm lassen
    to \hand sb a line [or a line to sb] ( fam) jdn anlügen; (less seriously) jdn anschwindeln
    * * *
    hand [hænd]
    A s
    1. Hand f:
    hands off! Hände weg!;
    hands up! Hände hoch!;
    with one’s hands up mit erhobenen Händen;
    a helping hand fig eine hilfreiche Hand;
    give ( oder lend) a (helping) hand mit zugreifen, jemandem helfen ( with bei);
    give sth a helping hand pej bei etwas mithelfen;
    do you need a hand? soll ich dir helfen?;
    give sb a hand up jemandem auf die Beine helfen oder hochhelfen;
    he asked for her hand er hielt um ihre Hand an;
    be good with one’s hands handwerkliches Geschick haben; stand B 1
    2. a) Hand f (eines Affen)
    b) Vorderfuß m (eines Pferdes etc)
    c) Fuß m (eines Falken)
    d) Schere f (eines Krebses)
    3. Urheber(in), Verfasser(in)
    4. meist pl Hand f, Macht f, Gewalt f:
    I am entirely in your hands ich bin ganz in Ihrer Hand;
    fall into sb’s hands jemandem in die Hände fallen
    5. pl Hände pl, Obhut f:
    6. pl Hände pl, Besitz m:
    in private hands in Privathand, in Privatbesitz;
    change hands Bes Redew
    7. Hand f (Handlungs-, besonders Regierungsweise):
    with a high hand selbstherrlich, anmaßend, willkürlich, eigenmächtig;
    with (a) heavy hand hart, streng, mit harter Hand; iron B 3
    8. Hand f, Quelle f:
    at first hand aus erster Hand
    9. Hand f, Fügung f, Einfluss m, Wirken n:
    the hand of God die Hand Gottes;
    hidden hand (geheime) Machenschaften pl
    10. Seite f (auch fig), Richtung f:
    on every hand überall, ringsum;
    a) überall,
    b) von allen Seiten;
    on the right hand rechter Hand, rechts;
    on the one hand …, on the other hand fig einerseits …, andererseits
    11. meist in Zusammensetzungen Arbeiter(in), Mann m (auch pl), pl Leute pl, SCHIFF Matrose m: deck A 1
    12. Fachmann m, -frau f, Routinier m:
    an old hand ein alter Fachmann oder Praktikus oder Hase umg;
    a good hand at sehr geschickt oder geübt in (dat);
    I am a poor hand at golf ich bin ein schlechter Golfspieler
    13. (gute) Hand, Geschick n:
    he has a hand for horses er versteht es, mit Pferden umzugehen;
    my hand is out ich bin außer oder aus der Übung
    14. Handschrift f:
    15. Unterschrift f:
    set one’s hand to seine Unterschrift setzen unter (akk), unterschreiben;
    under the hand of unterzeichnet von
    16. Hand f, Fertigkeit f:
    it shows a master’s hand es verrät die Hand eines Meisters
    17. Applaus m, Beifall m:
    get a big hand stürmischen Beifall hervorrufen, starken Applaus bekommen;
    give sb a hand jemandem applaudieren oder Beifall klatschen
    18. Zeiger m (der Uhr etc)
    19. Büschel n, Bündel n (Früchte), Hand f (Bananen)
    20. Handbreit f (= 4 Zoll = 10,16 cm) (besonders um die Höhe von Pferden zu messen)
    a) Spieler(in)
    b) Blatt n, Karten pl:
    c) Spiel n: lone 1
    22. pl Fußball: Handspiel n:
    he was cautioned for hands er wurde wegen eines Handspiels verwarnt;
    hands! Hand!
    B v/t
    1. ein-, aushändigen, (über)geben, (-)reichen ( alle:
    sb sth, sth to sb jemandem etwas):
    you must hand it to him fig das muss man oder der Neid ihm lassen (anerkennend)
    2. jemandem helfen, jemanden geleiten:
    hand sb into (out of) the car jemandem ins (aus dem) Auto helfen
    3. SCHIFF die Segel festmachenBesondere Redewendungen: hand and foot
    a) an Händen und Füßen (fesseln),
    b) fig eifrig, ergeben (dienen), vorn und hinten (bedienen);
    a) auf vertrautem Fuße stehen (mit), ein Herz und eine Seele sein (mit),
    b) unter einer Decke stecken (mit) umg;
    hands down spielend, mühelos (gewinnen etc);
    hand in hand Hand in Hand (a. fig);
    hand on heart Hand aufs Herz;
    a) Hand über Hand (klettern etc),
    b) fig Zug um Zug, schnell, spielend;
    hand to hand Mann gegen Mann (kämpfen);
    a) nahe, in Reichweite,
    b) nahe (bevorstehend),
    c) bei der oder zur Hand, bereit;
    at the hands of vonseiten, seitens (gen), durch, von;
    a) mit der Hand, manuell,
    b) durch Boten,
    c) mit der Flasche (großziehen);
    carved by hand handgeschnitzt;
    a) jemanden bei der Hand nehmen,
    b) fig jemanden unter seine Fittiche nehmen;
    from hand to hand von Hand zu Hand;
    from hand to mouth von der Hand in den Mund (leben);
    a) in der Hand,
    b) zur (freien) Verfügung,
    c) vorrätig, vorhanden,
    d) fig in der Hand oder Gewalt,
    e) in Bearbeitung,
    f) im Gange;
    the letter (matter) in hand der vorliegende Brief (die vorliegende Sache);
    a) in die Hand oder in Angriff nehmen,
    b) umg jemanden unter seine Fittiche nehmen;
    a) verfügbar, vorrätig,
    b) bevorstehend,
    c) zur Stelle;
    on one’s hands
    a) auf dem Hals,
    b) zur Verfügung;
    be on sb’s hands jemandem zur Last fallen;
    a) kurzerhand, sofort,
    b) vorbei, erledigt,
    c) fig aus der Hand, außer Kontrolle, nicht mehr zu bändigen;
    let one’s temper get out of hand die Selbstbeherrschung verlieren;
    to hand zur Hand;
    come to hand eingehen, -laufen, -treffen (Brief etc);
    your letter to hand WIRTSCH obs im Besitz Ihres werten Schreibens;
    a) unter Kontrolle,
    b) unter der Hand, heimlich;
    under the hand and seal of Mr X von Mr. X eigenhändig unterschrieben oder geschrieben und gesiegelt;
    with one’s own hand eigenhändig;
    change hands in andere Hände übergehen, den Besitzer wechseln;
    the lead changed hands several times SPORT die Führung wechselte mehrmals;
    get one’s hand in Übung bekommen, sich einarbeiten;
    get sth off one’s hands etwas loswerden;
    grease ( oder oil) sb’s hand umg jemanden schmieren umg, jemanden bestechen;
    have one’s hand in in Übung sein, Übung haben;
    have a hand in seine Hand im Spiel haben bei, beteiligt sein an (dat);
    have clean hands eine weiße oder reine oder saubere Weste haben;
    have one’s hands full alle Hände voll zu tun haben;
    hold hands Händchen halten (Verliebte);
    holding hands Händchen haltend;
    hold one’s hand sich zurückhalten;
    join hands sich die Hände reichen, fig a. sich verbünden oder zusammentun;
    keep one’s hand in in Übung bleiben;
    keep a firm hand on unter strenger Zucht halten;
    lay (one’s) hands on
    a) anfassen,
    b) ergreifen, packen, habhaft werden (gen),
    c) (gewaltsam) Hand an jemanden legen,
    d) REL ordinieren;
    I can’t lay my hands on it ich kann es nicht finden;
    lay hands on o.s. Hand an sich legen;
    not lift ( oder raise) a hand keinen Finger rühren;
    live by one’s hands von seiner Hände Arbeit leben;
    play into sb’s hands jemandem in die Hände arbeiten;
    put one’s hand on
    a) finden,
    b) fig sich erinnern an (akk);
    a) ergreifen,
    b) fig in Angriff nehmen, anpacken;
    shake hands sich die Hände schütteln, Shakehands machen;
    shake hands with sb, shake sb by the hand jemandem die Hand schütteln (auch zur Gratulation etc) oder geben;
    shake hands on etwas mit Handschlag besiegeln;
    show one’s hand fig seine Karten aufdecken;
    take a hand at a game bei einem Spiel mitmachen;
    throw one’s hand in (Kartenspiel) aussteigen (a. fig);
    try one’s hand at sth etwas versuchen, es mit etwas probieren;
    wash one’s hands
    a) sich die Hände waschen,
    b) euph mal kurz verschwinden;
    wash one’s hands of it
    a) (in dieser Sache) seine Hände in Unschuld waschen,
    b) nichts mit der Sache zu tun haben wollen;
    I wash my hands of him mit ihm will ich nichts mehr zu tun haben; cross B 1, overplay A 3, sit A 1, soil1 A a
    hd abk
    1. hand
    2. head
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (Anat., Zool.) Hand, die

    eat from or out of somebody's hand — (lit. or fig.) jemandem aus der Hand fressen

    get one's hands dirty(lit. or fig.) sich (Dat.) die Hände schmutzig machen

    give somebody one's hand(reach, shake) jemandem die Hand geben od. reichen

    give or lend [somebody] a hand [with or in something] — [jemandem] [bei etwas] helfen

    pass or go through somebody's hands — (fig.) durch jemandes Hand od. Hände gehen

    go hand in hand [with something] — (fig.) [mit etwas] Hand in Hand gehen

    the problem/matter in hand — das vorliegende Problem/die vorliegende Angelegenheit

    hold handsHändchen halten (ugs. scherzh.); sich bei den Händen halten

    hold somebody's hand — jemandes Hand halten; jemandem die Hand halten; (fig.): (give somebody close guidance) jemanden bei der Hand nehmen; (fig.): (give somebody moral support or backing) jemandem das Händchen halten (iron.)

    hands off!Hände od. Finger weg!

    take/keep one's hands off somebody/something — jemanden/etwas loslassen/nicht anfassen

    keep one's hands off something(fig.) die Finger von etwas lassen (ugs.)

    hands up [all those in favour] — wer dafür ist, hebt die Hand!

    hands down(fig.) (easily) mit links (ugs.); (without a doubt, by a large margin) ganz klar (ugs.)

    be at hand (be nearby) in der Nähe sein; (be about to happen) unmittelbar bevorstehen

    out of hand (summarily) kurzerhand

    be to hand(be readily available, within reach) zur Hand sein; (be received) [Brief, Notiz, Anweisung:] vorliegen

    go/pass from hand to hand — von Hand zu Hand gehen

    be hand in glove [with] — unter einer Decke stecken [mit]

    wait on somebody hand and foot(fig.) jemanden vorn und hinten bedienen (ugs.)

    have one's hands full — die Hände voll haben; (fig.): (be fully occupied) alle Hände voll zu tun haben (ugs.)

    hand on heart(fig.) Hand aufs Herz

    get one's hands on somebody/something — jemanden erwischen od. (ugs.) in die Finger kriegen/etwas auftreiben

    lay or put one's hand on something — etwas finden

    by hand (manually) mit der od. von Hand; (in handwriting) handschriftlich; (by messenger) durch Boten

    2) (fig.): (authority)

    with a firm/iron hand — mit starker Hand/eiserner Faust [regieren]

    get out of hand — außer Kontrolle geraten; see also take 1. 6); upper 1. 1)

    have a free hand to do something — freie Hand haben, etwas zu tun

    3) in pl. (custody)

    in somebody's hands, in the hands of somebody — (in somebody's possession) in jemandes Besitz; (in somebody's care) in jemandes Obhut

    fall into somebody's hands[Person, Geld:] jemandem in die Hände fallen

    have [got] something/somebody on one's hands — sich um etwas/jemanden kümmern müssen

    he's got such a lot/enough on his hands at the moment — er hat augenblicklich so viel/genug um die Ohren (ugs.)

    have time on one's hands — [viel] Zeit haben; (too much) mit seiner Zeit nichts anzufangen wissen

    take somebody/something off somebody's hands — jemandem jemanden/etwas abnehmen

    have something in hand — etwas zur Verfügung haben; (not used up) etwas [übrig] haben

    take a hand [in something] — sich [an etwas (Dat.)] beteiligen

    6) (agency) Wirken, das (geh.)

    suffer/suffer injustice at the hands of somebody — unter jemandem/jemandes Ungerechtigkeit zu leiden haben

    ask for or seek somebody's hand [in marriage] — um jemandes Hand bitten od. (geh.) anhalten

    8) (worker) Arbeitskraft, die; Arbeiter, der; (Naut.): (seaman) Hand, die (fachspr.); Matrose, der
    9) (person having ability)

    be a good/poor hand at tennis — ein guter/schwacher Tennisspieler sein

    10) (source) Quelle, die

    at first/second/third hand — aus erster/zweiter/dritter Hand; see also firsthand; second-hand

    11) (skill) Geschick, das

    get one's hand inwieder in Übung kommen od. (ugs.) reinkommen

    12) (style of handwriting) Handschrift, die; (signature) Unterschrift, die
    13) (of clock or watch) Zeiger, der
    14) (side) Seite, die

    on the right/left hand — rechts/links; rechter/linker Hand

    on somebody's right/left hand — rechts/links von jemandem; zu jemandes Rechten/Linken

    on every handvon allen Seiten [umringt sein]; ringsum [etwas sehen]

    on the one hand..., [but] on the other [hand]... — einerseits..., andererseits...; auf der einen Seite..., auf der anderen Seite...

    15) (measurement) Handbreit, die
    16) (coll.): (applause) Beifall, der; Applaus, der

    give him a big hand, let's have a big hand for him — viel Applaus od. Beifall für ihn!

    17) (cards) Karte, die; (period of play) Runde, die; see also throw in 4)
    2. transitive verb
    geben; [Überbringer:] übergeben [Sendung, Lieferung]

    hand something [a]round — (pass round, circulate) etwas herumgeben; (among group) etwas herumgehen lassen

    you've got to hand it to them/her — etc. (fig. coll.) das muss man ihnen/ihr usw. lassen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (handwriting) n.
    Handschrift f. (clock) n.
    Zeiger - m. n.
    Hand ¨-e f. v.
    einhändigen v.
    herüberreichen v.
    reichen v.

    English-german dictionary > hand

  • 10 hand

    1. почерк
    2. подпись

    hand lettering — подпись, надпись от руки

    3. исполнитель
    4. указательный знак в виде кисти руки

    double double small hand — формат упаковочной бумаги 76,1?101,5 см

    middle hand — формат писчей бумаги 40,6?55,8 см или 40,6?53,3 см

    royal hand — формат упаковочной бумаги 50,7?63,4 см

    hand back — возвращать, отдавать в руки

    5. мелкий почерк
    6. серия форматов упаковочной бумаги

    single small hand — формат упаковочной бумаги,0Х50,7 см

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > hand

  • 11 seal

    1) печать; пломба | скреплять печатью; запечатывать; опечатывать
    3) pl власть, полномочия

    under seal — за печатью, с приложением печати;

    under seal of secrecy — в секрете, в тайне, под запретом разглашения;

    - seal of office
    - common seal
    - forged seal
    - great seal of the realm
    - great seal
    - official seal
    - private seal
    - privy seal
    - public seal
    - royal great seal

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > seal

  • 12 seal

    seal [si:l]
    1 noun
    (a) Zoology phoque m
    (b) (on document, letter) sceau m; (on bottle of wine) cachet m; (on crate) plombage m; (on battery, gas cylinder) bande f de garantie; (on meter) plomb m;
    British Administration & Law given under my hand and seal signé et scellé par moi;
    to put one's seal to a document apposer son sceau à un document;
    does the project have her seal of approval? est-ce qu'elle a approuvé le projet?;
    to put or to set the seal on sth (confirm) sceller qch; (bring to end) mettre fin à qch
    (c) (UNCOUNT) Law (on door) scellé m, scellés mpl;
    under seal sous scellés;
    figurative under (the) seal of secrecy/of silence sous le sceau du secret/du silence;
    Religion under the seal of confession or of the confessional dans le secret de la confession
    (d) (tool) sceau m, cachet m;
    Administration the Great Seal le Grand Sceau (employé pour les actes publics)
    (e) Commerce label m
    (f) (joint → for engine, jar, sink) joint m d'étanchéité; (putty) mastic m
    Christmas seal timbre m de Noël
    (a) (document) apposer son sceau à, sceller;
    sealed with a kiss scellé d'un baiser;
    sealed orders des ordres scellés sous pli;
    figurative her fate is sealed son sort est réglé;
    figurative they finally sealed the deal ils ont enfin conclu l'affaire
    (b) (close → envelope, package) cacheter, fermer; (→ with sticky tape) coller, fermer; (→ jar) sceller, fermer hermétiquement; (→ can) souder; (→ tube, mineshaft) sceller; (window, door → for insulation) isoler;
    figurative my lips are sealed mes lèvres sont scellées
    (c) Law (door) apposer des scellés sur; (evidence) mettre sous scellés; (at customs → goods) (faire) sceller
    (d) Cookery (meat) saisir
    ►► Commerce seal of quality label m de qualité;
    seal ring chevalière f
    enfermer hermétiquement;
    the flavour is sealed in by freeze-drying le produit garde toute sa saveur grâce à la lyophilisation;
    fry the meat at a high temperature to seal in the flavour faites revenir la viande à feu vif afin de lui conserver toute sa saveur
    (passage, road) interdire l'accès de; (entrance) condamner;
    the street had been sealed off la rue avait été fermée (à la circulation)
    (close → envelope) cacheter, fermer; (→ with sticky tape) coller, fermer; (→ jar) sceller, fermer hermétiquement; (→ can) souder; (→ tube, mineshaft) sceller; (window, door → for insulation) isoler

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > seal

  • 13 ♦ seal

    ♦ seal (1) /si:l/
    1 (zool., Phoca) foca
    seal rookery, colonia di foche □ (zool.) eared seal ( Otaria), otaria.
    ♦ seal (2) /si:l/
    1 sigillo; bollo, timbro; (fig.) suggello, simbolo, stemma, garanzia, pegno, promessa: to affix the seals, apporre i sigilli; to set one's seal to st., mettere il proprio sigillo a qc.; (fig.) approvare qc.; (relig.) under the seal ( of confession), sotto il sigillo della confessione; Our handshake was a seal of friendship, la nostra stretta di mano è stata una promessa d'amicizia; seal of love, pegno d'amore
    2 (fig.) impronta; marchio; segno: He had the seal of death on his face, aveva sul volto il marchio (o il segno premonitore) della morte
    3 (mecc.) guarnizione; dispositivo di tenuta; giunto a tenuta
    seal ring, anello munito di sigillo □ (leg.) deed under seal, atto solenne, recante la firma e il sigillo di chi lo redige; ( spesso) atto notarile □ (leg.: in calce a un documento) Given under my hand and seal, redatto, firmato e sigillato ( da me notaio, ecc.) □ (fig.) to give one's seal of approval, dare la propria approvazione □ (fig. lett.) to set (o to put) the seal on, suggellare.
    (to) seal (1) /si:l/
    v. i.
    cacciare le foche; andare a caccia di foche.
    (to) seal (2) /si:l/
    v. t.
    1 sigillare; apporre i sigilli a ( anche leg.); (fig.) suggellare, approvare, sancire; chiudere (ermeticamente): to seal (up) an envelope [a door], sigillare (apporre i sigilli a) una busta [una porta]; Windows must be sealed up, bisogna chiudere ermeticamente le finestre; Sleep sealed his eyes, il sonno gli chiuse le palpebre; to seal a pact, suggellare un patto
    2 fissare irrevocabilmente; segnare: This decision sealed our fate, questa decisione ha segnato il nostro destino
    3 (= to seal with lead) piombare; sigillare con piombini
    4 mettere un marchio su; segnare
    to seal a bargain, concludere un affare □ (fig.) to seal sb. 's doom (o fate), decidere la sorte di q.; firmare la condanna di q. □ (fig.) to seal sb. 's lips, mettere il sigillo alle labbra di q.; fare tacere q. □ ( sport) to seal the result, chiudere la partita.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ seal

  • 14 seal

    seal [si:l]
    1. n
    1) зоол. тюле́нь;

    common seal тюле́нь обыкнове́нный


    eared seal сиву́ч

    2) ко́тиковый мех
    3) тюле́нья ко́жа
    2. v охо́титься на тюле́ней, ко́тиков
    seal [si:l]
    1. n
    1) печа́ть; клеймо́;

    Great S., State S. больша́я госуда́рственная печа́ть


    Privy S. ма́лая госуда́рственная печа́ть


    customs seal печа́ть тамо́жни [см. тж. 2)]


    to receive (to return) the seals приня́ть (сдать) до́лжность ка́нцлера или мини́стра

    а) поста́вить печа́ть, удостове́рить;
    б) одо́брить;

    under my hand and seal за мое́й собственнору́чной по́дписью и с приложе́нием печа́ти

    2) пло́мба;

    customs seal тамо́женная пло́мба [см. тж. 1)]

    3) печа́тка, кольцо́ с печа́ткой и т.п.
    4) знак, отпеча́ток; доказа́тельство; гара́нтия;

    the seal of approval знак одобре́ния


    under the seal of secrecy ( или confidence, silence) с усло́вием храни́ть та́йну, молча́ние


    seal of love печа́ть любви́ (поцелу́й, рожде́ние ребёнка и т.п.)


    seal of death in one's face печа́ть сме́рти на лице́

    5) тех. перемы́чка; затво́р
    6) тех. обтюра́тор
    7) тех. изоли́рующий слой, изоля́ция
    2. v
    1) запеча́тывать (тж. seal up);

    my lips are sealed на мои́х уста́х печа́ть молча́ния; я до́лжен молча́ть

    2) опеча́тывать, пломбирова́ть
    3) гермети́чески закрыва́ть, изоли́ровать; зама́зывать, запа́ивать (тж. seal up)
    4) ста́вить печа́ть, скрепля́ть печа́тью
    5) скрепля́ть ( сделку и т.п.)
    6) оконча́тельно реша́ть;

    his answer sealed our fate его́ отве́т реши́л на́шу судьбу́

    7) торже́ственно узако́нить;

    to seal a marriage сочета́ть бра́ком

    8) окружа́ть пло́тным кольцо́м, закрыва́ть до́ступ (тж. seal off)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > seal

  • 15 seal

    1. seal [si:l] n
    zool Seehund m, Robbe f
    2. seal [si:l] n
    1) ( insignia) Siegel nt;
    given under my hand and \seal von mir unterzeichnet und versiegelt
    2) ( stamp) Siegel nt, Siegelstempel m
    3) ( to prevent opening) on letters Siegel nt; on goods Verschluss m; ( from customs man) Plombe f; ( on doors) Siegel nt, Plombe f;
    the police put \seals on the doors die Polizei versiegelte [o verplombten] die Türen
    4) (air-, watertight join) Verschluss m;
    5) (fig: guarantee)
    sb's \seal of approval jds Zustimmung f
    to set [or put] the \seal on sth etw besiegeln vt
    to \seal sth
    1) ( stamp) etw siegeln [o mit einem Siegel versehen];
    2) ( prevent from being opened) etw [fest] verschließen;
    ( with a seal) etw versiegeln;
    ( for customs) etw plombieren;
    ( with adhesive) etw zukleben
    3) ( make airtight) etw luftdicht verschließen;
    ( make watertight) etw wasserdicht verschließen; door, window, gaps etw abdichten;
    ( cover with sealing fluid) etw versiegeln;
    to \seal a joint einen Balken abdichten
    4) ( block access to) etw versiegeln [o verschließen];
    to \seal a frontier [or (Am) border] / port eine Grenze/einen Hafen schließen
    5) ( confirm and finalize) etw besiegeln;
    we won't celebrate until the contract has been signed, \sealed and delivered wir feiern erst, wenn der Vertrag auch wirklich unter Dach und Fach ist;
    to \seal an agreement with a handshake eine Vereinbarung durch Handschlag besiegeln;
    to \seal sb's fate jds Schicksal nt besiegeln

    English-German students dictionary > seal

  • 16 seal

    1. сущ.
    1) зоол. тюлень seals bark ≈ тюлени лают a colony of seals ≈ колония тюленей A young seal is a pup. ≈ Молодой тюлень - pup. A female seal is a cow. ≈ Самка тюленя - cow. A male seal is a bull. ≈ Самец тюленя - bull. eared seal fur seal
    2) а) тюленья шкура, кожа (сокращение от sealskin) б) мех котика
    2. гл. охотиться на тюленей, котиков II
    1. сущ. родственно sign, sigil, сравни русское "сигл"
    1) а) печать, знак, клеймо (как предмет, которым знак наносится;
    также сам нанесенный знак и изображение на печати, клейме и т.п.) Great Seal State Seal Privy Seal receive the seals return the seals set one's seal under my hand and seal б) прям. перен. печать (как что-л., закрывающее доступ куда-л.) ;
    перен. тех. изолирующий слой, изоляция under the seal of secrecy/confidence/silence ≈ с условием хранить тайну, молчание seal of confession
    2) гарантия, доказательство, знак Syn: proof, evidence
    3) а) тех. перемычка, затвор б) тех. обтюратор (заслонка, перекрывающая луч света в киноаппарате в момент перемещения пленки) в) тех. водяной замок ∙ seal of love ≈ печать любви (как знак, говорящий или доказывающий ее наличие - поцелуй, рождение ребенка и т. п.) seal of death in one's face ≈ печать смерти на лице
    2. гл.
    1) а) скреплять печатью, ставить печать б) запечатывать (тж. seal up) ;
    опечатывать, пломбировать;
    запечатывать, герметически закрывать, изолировать, замазывать, запаивать (тж. seal up), замуровывать my lips are sealed ≈ на моих устах печать молчания, я должен молчать в) клеймить гири (официально удостоверять их вес)
    2) а) скреплять( сделку и т. п.) б) окончательно решать his answer sealed our fate ≈ его ответ решил нашу судьбу в) торжественно узаконивать seal a marriage
    3) лакировать деревоseal off seal up III сущ. ива;
    ивняк, ивовый лес, роща (зоология) тюлень (Phocidae) - * oil тюлений жир котиковый мех тюленья кожа охотиться на тюленей, котиков - to go *ing отправляться на охоту на тюленя /на котика/ печать;
    клеймо - the Great S. большая государственная печать Великобритании - the S. of the Fisherman папская печать - under * с приложением печати, за печатью, скрепленный печатью - (given) under my hand and * (выдано) за моей собственноручной подписью и с приложением печати - impression of a * оттиск печати - customs * печать таможни - to affix /to put/ one's * to a document приложить печать к документу, скрепить документ печатью;
    санкционировать - to attest by a * удостоверить приложением печати - to break the * of a letter взломать печать на письме - to place under *s опечатывать - to impress a * upon smth. ставить клеймо на что-л. (обыкн. на весы, меры) пломба - customs * таможенная пломба - goods under customs * товары, пломбированные таможней - to remove the *s снимать пломбы отпечаток - the * of fate печать рока - a book that bears the * of genius книга, отмеченная печатью гения - death had already set its * on his face на нем уже лежит печать смерти знак, доказательство - the * of approval знак одобрения - the * of his acceptance доказательство его согласия - to set the /one's/ * upon /to/ smth. официально одобрить /санкционировать, подтвердить/ что-л. - these facts give the * to his theory эти факты подтверждают его теорию говорят в пользу его теории/ торжественное обещание, обет;
    обязательство - a kiss as the * of his love поцелуй как залог любви - the * of confession тайна исповеди - a * upon his lips печать (молчания) на устах - under the * of silence дав клятвенное обещание хранить молчание( обыкн. the *s) власть;
    полномочия (часто лорд-канцлера или министра) - to return the *s уйти в отставку;
    сложить полномочия брелоки - to wear *s as an appendage to a watch guard носить брелоки на цепочке часов( техническое) изолирующий слой, изоляция ( техническое) перемычка, затвор (гидравлический и т. п.) (техническое) обтюратор (техническое) спай, впай( техническое) уплотнение, сальник > * of love поцелуй;
    ребенок, "залог любви" прикладывать, ставить печать;
    скреплять печатью - signed, *ed and delivered подписано, скреплено печатью и вручено - the treaty has been signed and *ed договор подписан и скреплен печатью ставить клеймо (обыкн. на весы, меры) опечатывать, пломбировать (тж. * up) - officials have *ed (up) all doors власти опечатали все двери запечатывать (тж. * up) - to * (up) an envelope запечатать конверт - his lips are *ed (образное) он должен молчать плотно закрывать;
    заклеивать, замазывать и т. п. (тж. * up) - to * up a tin of food запаять консервную банку - to * a puncture заклеить прокол( в автопокрышке и т. п.) - sleep *ed his eyes сон смежил ему очи - the windows must be *ed up окна нужно плотно заклеить - eyes *ed in death глаза, сомкнутые смертью окружать плотным кольцом (часто * off) - a vessel *ed in ice судно, затертое во льдах - the police *ed off the entrances полиция перекрыла все входы (военное) окружать, блокировать (тж. * off) накладывать печать, отпечаток - death has *ed her for his own на ней лежала печать смерти предназначать, обрекать - he is *ed to /for/ damnation он обречен на вечные муки окончательно решать, утверждать - to * an agreement утвердить соглашение - to * a bargain завершить сделку - to * smb.'s fate решить чью-л. (печальную) судьбу - the airman's carelessness *ed his fate неосторожность летчика оказалась для него роковой прочно прикреплять, впаивать, вмазывать и т. п. - his eyes were *ed on the door его глаза были прикованы к двери (устаревшее) пожаловать хартию (устаревшее) накладывать обязательство или взыскание запаивать, герметизировать > to * the move записать неоконченную партию (шахматы) affix a ~ скреплять печатью ~ зоол. тюлень;
    common seal тюлень обыкновенный;
    eared seal нерпа;
    fur seal морской котик contract under ~ договор за печатью customhouse ~ таможенная печать customs ~ печать таможни customs ~ таможенная пломба ~ зоол. тюлень;
    common seal тюлень обыкновенный;
    eared seal нерпа;
    fur seal морской котик ~ зоол. тюлень;
    common seal тюлень обыкновенный;
    eared seal нерпа;
    fur seal морской котик ~ печать;
    Great Seal, State Seal большая государственная печать;
    Privy Seal малая государственная печать ~ окончательно решать;
    his answer sealed our fate его ответ решил нашу судьбу municipal ~ муниципальная печать municipal ~ печать муниципалитета ~ запечатывать (тж. seal up) ;
    my lips are sealed = на моих устах печать молчания;
    я должен молчать notary's ~ печать нотариуса oil ~ тех. сальник postal ~ почтовая печать ~ печать;
    Great Seal, State Seal большая государственная печать;
    Privy Seal малая государственная печать to receive( to return) the ~s принять (сдать) должность канцлера или министра seal герметически закрывать, изолировать;
    замазывать, запаивать (тж. seal up) ~ запечатывать (тж. seal up) ;
    my lips are sealed = на моих устах печать молчания;
    я должен молчать ~ запечатывать ~ знак, доказательство, гарантия;
    the seal of approval знак одобрения ~ тех. изолирующий слой, изоляция ~ клеймить ~ клеймо ~ котиковый мех ~ тех. обтюратор;
    seal of love печать любви (поцелуй, рождение ребенка и т. п.) ;
    seal of death in one's face печать смерти на лице ~ окончательно решать;
    his answer sealed our fate его ответ решил нашу судьбу ~ опечатывать, пломбировать ~ опечатывать ~ охотиться на тюленей, котиков ~ тех. перемычка;
    затвор ~ печать;
    Great Seal, State Seal большая государственная печать;
    Privy Seal малая государственная печать ~ печать ~ пломба ~ пломбировать ~ скреплять (сделку и т. п.) ~ скреплять печатью ~ ставить печать, скреплять печатью ~ торжественно узаконить;
    to seal a marriage сочетать браком ~ зоол. тюлень;
    common seal тюлень обыкновенный;
    eared seal нерпа;
    fur seal морской котик ~ тюленья кожа ~ торжественно узаконить;
    to seal a marriage сочетать браком ~ знак, доказательство, гарантия;
    the seal of approval знак одобрения ~ of approval знак одобрения ~ of company печать компании ~ тех. обтюратор;
    seal of love печать любви (поцелуй, рождение ребенка и т. п.) ;
    seal of death in one's face печать смерти на лице ~ тех. обтюратор;
    seal of love печать любви (поцелуй, рождение ребенка и т. п.) ;
    seal of death in one's face печать смерти на лице ~ of office должностная печать SealGreat Seal большая государственная печать (Великобритания) to set one's ~ to одобрить;
    under my hand and seal за моей собственноручной подписью и с приложением печати to set one's ~ to поставить печать, удостоверить ~ печать;
    Great Seal, State Seal большая государственная печать;
    Privy Seal малая государственная печать state ~ государственная печать to set one's ~ to одобрить;
    under my hand and seal за моей собственноручной подписью и с приложением печати under the ~ of secrecy (или confidence, silence) с условием хранить тайну, молчание

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > seal

  • 17 seal

    I noun
    (Zool.) Robbe, die

    [common] seal — [Gemeiner] Seehund

    II 1. noun
    1) (piece of wax, lead, etc., stamp, impression) Siegel, das; (lead seal also) Plombe, die; (stamp also) Siegelstempel, der; Petschaft, das; (impression also) Siegelabdruck, der

    set the seal on(fig.) zementieren (+ Akk.)

    gain the seal of respectabilitysich (Dat.) großes Ansehen erwerben

    3) (to close aperture) Abdichtung, die
    2. transitive verb
    1) (stamp with seal, affix seal to) siegeln [Dokument]; (fasten with seal) verplomben, plombieren [Tür, Stromzähler]
    2) (close securely) abdichten [Behälter, Rohr usw.]; zukleben [Umschlag, Paket]; [zum Verschließen der Poren] kurz anbraten [Fleisch]

    my lips are sealed(fig.) meine Lippen sind versiegelt

    3) (stop up) verschließen; abdichten [Leck]; verschmieren [Riß]
    4) (decide) besiegeln [Geschäft, Abmachung, jemandes Schicksal]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/91337/seal_in">seal in
    * * *
    I 1. [si:l] noun
    1) (a piece of wax or other material bearing a design, attached to a document to show that it is genuine and legal.) das Siegel
    2) (a piece of wax etc used to seal a parcel etc.) das Siegel
    3) ((something that makes) a complete closure or covering: Paint and varnish act as protective seals for woodwork.) die Abdichtung
    2. verb
    1) (to mark with a seal: The document was signed and sealed.) siegeln
    2) ((negative unseal) to close completely: He licked and sealed the envelope; All the air is removed from a can of food before it is sealed.) versiegeln
    3) (to settle or decide: This mistake sealed his fate.) besiegeln
    - sealing-wax
    - seal of approval
    - seal off
    - set one's seal to
    II [si:l] noun
    (any of several types of sea animal, some furry, living partly on land.) der Seehund
    * * *
    n ZOOL Seehund m, Robbe f
    I. n
    1. (insignia) Siegel nt
    given under my hand and \seal von mir unterzeichnet und versiegelt
    2. (stamp) Siegel nt, Siegelstempel m
    3. (to prevent opening) on letters Siegel nt; on goods Verschluss m; (from customs man) Plombe f; (on doors) Siegel nt, Plombe f
    the police put \seals on the doors die Polizei versiegelte [o verplombte] die Türen
    4. (air-, watertight join) Verschluss m
    5. ( fig: guarantee)
    sb's \seal of approval jds Zustimmung
    to set [or put] the \seal on sth etw besiegeln
    II. vt
    to \seal sth
    1. (stamp) etw siegeln [o mit einem Siegel versehen
    2. (prevent from being opened) etw [fest] verschließen; (with a seal) etw versiegeln; (for customs) etw plombieren; (with adhesive) etw zukleben
    3. (make airtight) etw luftdicht verschließen; (make watertight) etw wasserdicht verschließen; door, window, gaps etw abdichten; (cover with sealing fluid) etw versiegeln
    to \seal a joint einen Balken abdichten
    4. (block access to) etw versiegeln [o verschließen]
    to \seal a frontier [or AM border] /port eine Grenze/einen Hafen schließen
    5. (confirm and finalize) etw besiegeln
    we won't celebrate until the contract has been signed, \sealed and delivered wir feiern erst, wenn der Vertrag auch wirklich unter Dach und Fach ist
    to \seal an agreement with a handshake eine Vereinbarung durch Handschlag besiegeln
    to \seal sb's fate jds Schicksal besiegeln
    * * *
    I [siːl]
    1. n (ZOOL)
    Seehund m; (= sealskin) Seal m
    2. vi

    to go on a sealing expeditionan einer Seehundjagd teilnehmen

    1. n
    1) (= impression in wax etc) Siegel nt; (against unauthorized opening) Versiegelung f; (of metal) Plombe f; (= die) Stempel m; (= ring) Siegelring m; (= decorative label) Aufkleber m

    to be under seal —

    under the seal of secrecyunter dem Siegel der Verschwiegenheit

    to put one's or the seal of approval on stheiner Sache (dat) seine offizielle Zustimmung geben

    to set one's seal on sth (lit, fig)unter etw (acc) sein Siegel setzen

    2) (= airtight closure) Verschluss m; (= washer) Dichtung f
    2. vt
    versiegeln; envelope, parcel also zukleben; (with wax) siegeln; border dichtmachen; area abriegeln; (= make air- or watertight) joint, container abdichten; porous surface versiegeln; (fig = settle, finalize) besiegeln

    sealed train —

    this sealed his fatedadurch war sein Schicksal besiegelt

    to seal victoryden Sieg besiegeln

    * * *
    seal1 [siːl]
    A s
    1. pl seals, besonders koll seal ZOOL Robbe f, engS. Seehund m
    2. sealskin A
    B adj sealskin B
    C v/i auf Robbenjagd gehen
    seal2 [siːl]
    A s
    1. Siegel n:
    given under my hand and seal von mir unterzeichnet und versiegelt;
    set one’s seal to sth sein Siegel auf etwas drücken, bes fig etwas besiegeln (bekräftigen);
    set the (final) seal on fig
    a) die Krönung bilden (gen),
    b) krönen;
    under (the) seal of secrecy (of confession) unter dem Siegel der Verschwiegenheit (des Beichtgeheimnisses)
    2. Siegel(prägung) n(f)
    3. Siegel(stempel) n(m), Petschaft n:
    the seals die Amtssiegel (besonders als Symbol der Amtsgewalt);
    resign the seals das Amt niederlegen; great seal
    4. Postwesen: Aufkleber m (meist für karitative Zwecke, ohne postalischen Wert):
    5. JUR (Amts)Siegel n
    6. Plombe f, (amtlicher) Verschluss:
    under seal (Zoll etc) unter Verschluss
    7. sicherer Verschluss
    8. Garantie f, Zusicherung f
    9. fig Siegel n, Besiegelung f, Bekräftigung f
    10. fig Stempel m, Zeichen n:
    as a seal of friendship zum Zeichen der Freundschaft;
    he has the seal of death in his face sein Gesicht ist vom Tode gezeichnet
    11. TECH
    a) (wasser-, luftdichter) Verschluss:
    water seal Wasserverschluss
    b) (Ab)Dichtung f
    c) Versiegelung f (von Holz, Kunststoff etc)
    B v/t
    1. ein Dokument siegeln, mit einem Siegel versehen
    2. besiegeln, bekräftigen ( beide:
    by, with mit):
    seal a transaction ein Geschäft besiegeln
    3. fig besiegeln (endgültig entscheiden):
    his fate is sealed sein Schicksal ist besiegelt
    4. autorisieren, mit einem Gültigkeitsstempel versehen
    5. zeichnen, seinen Stempel oder sein Zeichen aufdrücken (dat)
    6. a) versiegeln:
    sealed orders besonders SCHIFF versiegelte Order;
    my lips are sealed fig meine Lippen sind versiegelt; book A 1
    sealed envelope verschlossener Umschlag
    7. einen Verschluss, Waggon etc plombieren
    8. oft seal up hermetisch ( oder TECH wasser-, luftdicht) verschließen oder abdichten:
    sealed cabin FLUG Höhenkabine f;
    a vessel sealed in ice ein eingefrorenes oder vom Eis festgehaltenes Schiff
    a) MIL etc einen Flughafen etc abriegeln,
    b) die Grenze zu-, dichtmachen
    10. ELEK den Stecker, Sockel etc einrasten oder einschnappen lassen
    11. TECH
    a) Holz, Kunststoff etc versiegeln
    b) grundieren
    c) befestigen, einzementieren
    d) zuschmelzen
    * * *
    I noun
    (Zool.) Robbe, die

    [common] seal — [Gemeiner] Seehund

    II 1. noun
    1) (piece of wax, lead, etc., stamp, impression) Siegel, das; (lead seal also) Plombe, die; (stamp also) Siegelstempel, der; Petschaft, das; (impression also) Siegelabdruck, der

    set the seal on(fig.) zementieren (+ Akk.)

    gain the seal of respectabilitysich (Dat.) großes Ansehen erwerben

    3) (to close aperture) Abdichtung, die
    2. transitive verb
    1) (stamp with seal, affix seal to) siegeln [Dokument]; (fasten with seal) verplomben, plombieren [Tür, Stromzähler]
    2) (close securely) abdichten [Behälter, Rohr usw.]; zukleben [Umschlag, Paket]; [zum Verschließen der Poren] kurz anbraten [Fleisch]

    my lips are sealed(fig.) meine Lippen sind versiegelt

    3) (stop up) verschließen; abdichten [Leck]; verschmieren [Riß]
    4) (decide) besiegeln [Geschäft, Abmachung, jemandes Schicksal]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Dichtung -en f.
    Robbe -n f.
    Seehund -e m.
    Siegel - n.
    Stempel - m.
    Verschluss ¨-e m. v.
    versiegeln v.

    English-german dictionary > seal

  • 18 hand

    I. 1. n анат. ръка (от китката надолу), предна лапа (на животно), прен. ръка, пръст, власт, отговорност
    the-of God пръст божи
    to have a HAND in something имам пръст в нещо
    open HAND щедра/широка ръка
    with open HAND с широка ръка, щедро
    heavy/iron HAND желязна ръка, тирания, деспотизъм
    HANDs off не пипай
    HANDs off...! долу ръцете от...! HANDs up! горе ръцете! предай се! here's my HAND on it ето ръката ми, съгласен съм
    to give one's HAND (up) on it обещавам тържествено, вричам се
    with a sparing HAND икономично, пестеливо
    to be ip someone's HANDs в ръцете/властта съм на иякого
    to bite the HAND that feeds you показвам черна неблагодарност
    l can't lay/put my HAND on it не мога да то намеря/открия
    to get something off one's HANDs отървавам се от нещо, махам го от главата си
    to take something off someone's HANDs освобождавам/отървавам някого от грижата за нещо
    to take something out of someone's HAND снемам отговорността за нещо от някого
    she's off my HANDs нямам повече грижа за нея
    to lend/give/bear someone a (helping) HAND помагам някому
    to give one's HAND to давам ръката си на, съгласявам се да се оженя за
    to go on o/s HANDs and knees лазя на четири краха (при търсене на нещо), прен. моля коленопреклонно
    to have one's HANDs full имам много работа/грижи
    to have someone in the hollow of one's HAND държа някого в ръцете си, имам пълна власт над някого
    to lift (up) /rafae one's HAND against someone вдигам ръка срещу някого
    2. в обстоятелствени изрази
    at HAND наблизо, под ръка, на разположение
    winter is at HAND зимата наближава
    at someone's HAND (s) от (страна на)
    I did not expect such treatment at your HANDs не очаквах такова отношение от ваша страна/от вас
    by HAND ръчно, с ръка
    to bring up/feed by HAND отглеждам с биберон, храня изкуствено, на ръка, по човек/куриер
    from HAND to HAND от ръка на ръка, от човек на човек, от един собственик на друг
    to live from HAND to mouth живея ден за ден, каквото изчукам изпукам
    ... in HAND с... в ръка
    hat in HAND с шапка в ръка, наличен, разглеждан (за въпрос)
    to take something /someone in HAND заемам се с нещо/някого
    to have in HAND имам (на разположение)
    to be in HAND започнат съм (за работа)
    3. сръчност, умение, ръка, майсторство
    to give/put the last HAND to something довършвам/доизкусурявам/слагам последните щрихи на нещо
    to get one's HAND in свиквам (с работа и пр.)
    to keep one's HAND in упражнявам се, поддържам си формата
    to have one's HAND in във форма съм
    his HAND is out отвикнал е, не е във форма, позабравил е
    4. майстор, автор
    to be a good/great/dab HAND at голям майстор съм в/на, бива ме в
    to be a new HAND at новак съм в
    an old HAND опитен човек, специалист, рецидивист
    two portraits by the same HAND два портрета от същия автор
    5. работник, работна ръка, моряк
    ship's HANDs екипаж на кораб
    HANDs wanted търсят се работници
    6. източник
    at first/second HAND от първа/втора ръка (за сведения и пр.)
    7. почерк
    to write (in) a small HAND пиша ситно/дребно
    in one's own HAND със собствената си ръка/почерк, собственоръчно
    8. подпис
    to set one's HAND to слагам подписа си на
    under your HAND and seal с вашия подпис и лечат
    9. страна
    on the right/left HAND отдясно/отляво, от дясната/лявата страна
    on all HANDs, on every HAND от всички страни
    fact admitted on all HANDs всепризнат факт
    on the one HAND..., on the other HAND... от една страна..., (а) от друга...
    on either HAND от двете страни
    10. карти ръка, карти (които получава всеки играч)
    to hold one's HAND пасувам, въздържам се
    to call/decare/show one's HAND откривам/разкривам картите си (и прен.)
    to force someone's HAND принуждавам някого да си разкрие картите (и прен.), принуждавам някого да действува прибързано/против убежденията си
    to play a good HAND играя добре
    to play for one's own HAND
    11. карти играч
    the elder/eldest HAND играч, който започва първи
    12. карти игра, партия
    let's have a HAND at bridge да изиграем една партия бридж
    13. мярка за измерване височината на кон (около 10 см)
    14. стрелка (на часовник), крило (на семафор), стрелка (на пътен знак)
    15. театр. разг. аплодисменти, овации
    to get a good/big HAND имам голям успех, посрещат ме с бурни аплодисменти
    to give someone a good/big HAND посрещам някого с бурни ръкопляскания, аплодирам някого бурно
    16. аttr ръчен, портативен
    направляван с ръка HAND of bananas кичур банани
    HAND of tobacco шепа тютюневи листа
    II. 1. (пре) давам, връчвам (to)
    2. подавам, поднасям
    3. мор. свивам, прибирам (платно)
    * * *
    {hand} n l. анат. ръка (от китката надолу); предна лапа (на живо(2) {'hand} v 1. (пре)давам, връчвам (to); 2. подавам; поднасям;
    * * *
    страна; стрелка; ръчен; ръка; почерк; портативен; връчвам;
    * * *
    1.... in hand с... в ръка 2. 1 аttr ръчен, портативен 3. 1 карти игра, партия 4. 1 карти играч 5. 1 мярка за измерване височината на кон (около 10 см) 6. 1 стрелка (на часовник), крило (на семафор), стрелка (на пътен знак) 7. 1 театр. разг. аплодисменти, овации 8. an old hand опитен човек, специалист, рецидивист 9. at first/second hand от първа/втора ръка (за сведения и пр.) 10. at hand наблизо, под ръка, на разположение 11. at someone's hand (s) от (страна на) 12. by hand ръчно, с ръка 13. fact admitted on all hands всепризнат факт 14. from hand to hand от ръка на ръка, от човек на човек, от един собственик на друг 15. hand of tobacco шепа тютюневи листа 16. hands off... ! долу ръцете от... ! hands up! горе ръцете! предай се! here's my hand on it ето ръката ми, съгласен съм 17. hands off не пипай 18. hands wanted търсят се работници 19. hat in hand с шапка в ръка, наличен, разглеждан (за въпрос) 20. heavy/iron hand желязна ръка, тирания, деспотизъм 21. his hand is out отвикнал е, не е във форма, позабравил е 22. i did not expect such treatment at your hands не очаквах такова отношение от ваша страна/от вас 23. i. n анат. ръка (от китката надолу), предна лапа (на животно), прен. ръка, пръст, власт, отговорност 24. ii. (пре) давам, връчвам (to) 25. in one's own hand със собствената си ръка/почерк, собственоръчно 26. l can't lay/put my hand on it не мога да то намеря/открия 27. let's have a hand at bridge да изиграем една партия бридж 28. on all hands, on every hand от всички страни 29. on either hand от двете страни 30. on the one hand..., on the other hand... от една страна..., (а) от друга.. 31. on the right/left hand отдясно/отляво, от дясната/лявата страна 32. open hand щедра/широка ръка 33. she's off my hands нямам повече грижа за нея 34. ship's hands екипаж на кораб 35. the elder/eldest hand играч, който започва първи 36. the-of god пръст божи 37. to be a good/great/dab hand at голям майстор съм в/на, бива ме в 38. to be a new hand at новак съм в 39. to be in hand започнат съм (за работа) 40. to be ip someone's hands в ръцете/властта съм на иякого 41. to bite the hand that feeds you показвам черна неблагодарност 42. to bring up/feed by hand отглеждам с биберон, храня изкуствено, на ръка, по човек/куриер 43. to call/decare/show one's hand откривам/разкривам картите си (и прен.) 44. to force someone's hand принуждавам някого да си разкрие картите (и прен.), принуждавам някого да действува прибързано/против убежденията си 45. to get a good/big hand имам голям успех, посрещат ме с бурни аплодисменти 46. to get one's hand in свиквам (с работа и пр.) 47. to get something off one's hands отървавам се от нещо, махам го от главата си 48. to give one's hand (up) on it обещавам тържествено, вричам се 49. to give one's hand to давам ръката си на, съгласявам се да се оженя за 50. to give someone a good/big hand посрещам някого с бурни ръкопляскания, аплодирам някого бурно 51. to give/put the last hand to something довършвам/доизкусурявам/слагам последните щрихи на нещо 52. to go on o/s hands and knees лазя на четири краха (при търсене на нещо), прен. моля коленопреклонно 53. to have a hand in something имам пръст в нещо 54. to have in hand имам (на разположение) 55. to have one's hand in във форма съм 56. to have one's hands full имам много работа/грижи 57. to have someone in the hollow of one's hand държа някого в ръцете си, имам пълна власт над някого 58. to hold one's hand пасувам, въздържам се 59. to keep one's hand in упражнявам се, поддържам си формата 60. to lend/give/bear someone a (helping) hand помагам някому 61. to lift (up) /rafae one's hand against someone вдигам ръка срещу някого 62. to live from hand to mouth живея ден за ден, каквото изчукам изпукам 63. to play a good hand играя добре 64. to play for one's own hand 65. to set one's hand to слагам подписа си на 66. to take something /someone in hand заемам се с нещо/някого 67. to take something off someone's hands освобождавам/отървавам някого от грижата за нещо 68. to take something out of someone's hand снемам отговорността за нещо от някого 69. to write (in) a small hand пиша ситно/дребно 70. two portraits by the same hand два портрета от същия автор 71. under your hand and seal с вашия подпис и лечат 72. winter is at hand зимата наближава 73. with a sparing hand икономично, пестеливо 74. with open hand с широка ръка, щедро 75. в обстоятелствени изрази 76. източник 77. карти ръка, карти (които получава всеки играч) 78. майстор, автор 79. мор. свивам, прибирам (платно) 80. направляван с ръка hand of bananas кичур банани 81. подавам, поднасям 82. подпис 83. почерк 84. работник, работна ръка, моряк 85. сръчност, умение, ръка, майсторство 86. страна
    * * *
    hand[hænd] I. n 1. ръка (от китката надолу); предна лапа на животно; прен. ръка, власт; the \hand of God пръст Божи; an open \hand щедра (широка) ръка; a light \hand лека ръка, ловкост, сръчност; деликатност, такт; a heavy ( iron) \hand прен. желязна ръка; тирания, деспотизъм; dead \hand 1) негативно влияние, "спирачка"; 2) = mortmain; to win \hands down побеждавам (спечелвам победа) без всякакви усилия; \hands off не пипай! \hands up горе ръцете! предай се! вдигнете ръцете! (за гласуване); here's my \hand on it ето ръката ми, съгласен съм; обещавам; to give up o.'s \hand (up)on s.th. обещавам тържествено, вричам се; in the turn( ing) of a \hand мигновено, докато усетиш; a show of \hands гласуване с вдигане на ръка, открито (явно) гласоподаване; a high \hand арогантност, надменност; нахалство; произвол; деспотично държание ( отношение); to carry off with a high \hand върша ( нещо) произволно; with a sparing \hand икономично, пестеливо; with both \hands с все сила; to bite the \hand that feeds you показвам черна неблагодарност; to change \hands минавам от една ръка в друга (от един собственик в друг); to fold o.'s \hands скръствам ръце (и прен.); бездействам, нищо не правя; to gain ( have, get) the upper \hand, to have the better (ост. the higher) \hand удържам победа, вземам надмощие (връх) (над); to take s.th. off s.o.'s \hands освобождавам (отървам) някого от грижата за нещо; the children are off my \hands now вече не е необходимо да се грижа за децата; to give a helping \hand to s.o., to bear ( lend, give) s.o. a \hand помагам на някого; to give o.'s \hand to давам ръката си на, съгласявам се да се оженя за; to give s.o. the glad \hand ам. посрещам (приемам) топло (сърдечно); to give s.o. a free \hand давам картбланш някому; to go on o.'s \hands and knees лазя на четири крака; time hangs heavily on my \hands чудя се какво да правя с времето си, времето ми минава много бавно; to have a \hand like a foot насърчен съм; to have a \hand in s.th. имам пръст в нещо; to have ( keep) o.'s \hand in във форма съм; to have o.'s \hands full имам много работа (грижи); to have o.'s \hands tied вързани ми са ръцете (и прен.); to have s.o. in the hollow ( palm) of o.'s \hand държа някого в ръцете си, имам пълна власт над някого; to lay \hands on хващам, пипвам, слагам ръка на; to lay violent \hands on хващам насила; употребявам насилие спрямо; to lay violent \hands on o.s. посягам (слагам край) на живота си; to lift ( lift up, put forth, raise, stretch forth) o.'s \hand against s.o. вдигам ръка срещу някого; not to lift a \hand не си мръдвам пръста; to live by o.'s \hands изкарвам си хляба със собствените си ръце (труд); to live from \hand to mouth живея от ден за ден; каквото изчуквам, изпуквам; to put o.'s \hand to the plough залавям се за работа; to receive s.th. at the \hands of s.o. получавам нещо от (ръцете на) някого; to set ( put) o.'s \hands at a task започвам (заемам се, залавям се с) работа; to strengthen s.o.'s \hand подпомагам (оказвам помощ на) някого; to give s.o. a big \hand аплодирам шумно (ентусиазирано); to sit on o.'s \hands аплодирам вяло (без ентусиазъм); бездействам, седя със скръстени ръце; to take ( lead) s.o. by the \hand хващам (водя) някого за ръка; to take a \hand in намесвам се в, участвам в; to try o.'s \hand at опитвам се в, опитвам си силите в; to turn o.'s \hand to върша, заемам се с; he can turn his \hand to anything за всичко го бива; всякаква работа може да върши; to wash o.'s \hands (of) прен. измивам си ръцете, свалям от себе си отговорността (за); 2. в обстоят. изрази: at \hand наблизо, под ръка; winter is at \hand зимата наближава; close ( near) at \hand близко (по време или място); by \hand с ръка, на ръка; made by \hand ръчна изработка; to bring up ( feed) a child by \hand отглеждам дете с биберон, храня изкуствено; to send a letter by \hand изпращам писмо по човек (по куриер); from \hand to \hand от ръка на ръка, от човек на човек, от един собственик на друг; in \hand 1) с ... в ръка; hat in \hand с шапка в ръка; 2) наличен; cash ( stock) in \hand налични суми (стоки); the question ( matter) in \hand разглежданият въпрос; to take s.th. in \hand заемам се с нещо; to have in \hand имам на разположение, разполагам с; контролирам, държа под контрол; to have a piece of work in \hand работя върху нещо; the business is in \hand въпросът се разглежда; to keep a horse well in \hand здраво държа юздите на кон, здраво управлявам кон; to keep o.s. well in \hand владея се; the situation is well in \hand положението е овладяно; to be in \hand принуден съм да върна топката в полукръга, от който съм започнал (в билярда); off \hand вж offhand; on \hand наличен, на разположение, на склад; supplies on \hand налични запаси; work on \hand текуща работа, работа, с която се занимавам в момента; to have s.th. on o.'s \hands имам да свършвам (да се грижа за) нещо; to have an hour on o.'s \hands имам един час свободно време; out of \hand изведнъж, без подготовка, изненадващо; който не може да се контролира, изтърван; to shoot s.o. out of \hand застрелвам някого веднага, без много да се церемоня (без да ми мигне окото); to get out of \hand преставам да се подчинявам на дисциплина; разхайтвам се, разгащвам се; to \hand: to come to \hand пристига, получава се (за писмо и пр.); намира се, излиза; ready to o.'s \hand наблизо, под ръка, на разположение; \hand and glove, \hand in glove много близък, интимен ( with, together); \hand and foot: to serve ( wait on) s.o. \hand and foot угаждам на някого, изпълнявам всички прищевки на някого; \hand in \hand ръка за ръка; в съгласие; \hand over \hand ( fist) много бързо; \hand to \hand ръкопашен (за бой); 3. работник, работничка, работна ръка; моряк; майстор; \hands wanted търсят се работници; factory \hands, field \hands фабрични (земеделски) работници; a ship's \hands екипаж на кораб; all \hands on deck! целият екипаж (всички) на палубата! to be a good ( great) \hand at голям майстор съм в (на), бива ме в; to be a new \hand at новак съм в; to be an old \hand опитен човек; рецидивист; безстрашен (дързък, нахален) човек; green \hand новак, неопитен работник; 4. източник; at first ( second) \hand от първа (втора) ръка (за сведения и пр.); 5. почерк; a big ( small, round) \hand едър (дребен, закръглен) почерк; to write (in) a small \hand пиша ситно (дребно); in o.'s own \hand със собствената си ръка (почерк); собственоръчно; 6. подпис; to set o.'s \hand to слагам подписа си на; under your \hand and seal с Вашия подпис и печат; 7. страна; on the right/left \hand отдясно (ляво), от дясната (лявата) страна; on all \hands, on every \hand от всички страни; a fact admitted on all \hands всепризнат факт; on the one ( the other) \hand от една (от друга) страна; on either \hand от двете страни; 8. карти ръка (карти, които получава всеки играч); to have a wretched \hand имам лоши (ужасни) карти; to call ( declare, show) o.'s \hand откривам (разкривам) си картите (и прен.); to force s.o.'s \hand принуждавам някого да си разкрие картите (и прен.); a nap \hand хубави (отлични) карти; прен. изгодно положение; to play a good \hand играя добре; to play into one another's \hands помагаме си, поддържаме се, подкрепяме се; to overplay o.'s \hands отивам твърде далеч; to play a lone \hand действам сам; to play into s.o.'s \hand наливам вода в чужда мелница; to play o.'s \hand for all it is worth използвам напълно възможностите си, пускам в ход всички средства; to throw in o.'s \hand отказвам се, предавам се, вдигам ръце; the elder ( younger) \hand играч, който започва първи (втори) (когато играят двама); the eldest ( youngest) \hand играч, който започва първи (последен) (когато играят повече от двама); 9. игра, партия; let's have a \hand of poker да изиграем една партия покер; 10. мярка (около 10 см) за измерване височина на кон; 11. стрелка (на часовник); крило (на семафор); стрела (на пътен знак); изображение на ръка с насочен пръст; 12. театр. sl аплодисменти; овации; big \hand посрещам някого с бурни аплодисменти, аплодирам някого бурно; 13. тех. характеристика на режещ инструмент (ляв, десен); 14. тех. направление (напр. на винтова линия15. ам. хенд (единица за дължина: 101,6 mm); 16. attr ръчен; портативен; който се направлява с ръка; \hand luggage ръчен багаж; \hand stoking ръчно палене; a \hand of bananas кичур банани; a \hand of tobacco една шепа тютюневи листа; Bloody H. хералд. червена ръка (емблема на баронет); II. v 1. (пре)давам, връчвам (to); 2. подавам; 3. изпращам (с писмо и пр.); to \hand it to s.o. признавам превъзходството на някого; for craft we must \hand it to him трябва да признаем, че по майсторлък ни надминава; to \hand a sail мор. свивам (прибирам) платно;

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > hand

  • 19 seal

    I 1. si:l noun
    1) (a piece of wax or other material bearing a design, attached to a document to show that it is genuine and legal.) segl
    2) (a piece of wax etc used to seal a parcel etc.) forsegling
    3) ((something that makes) a complete closure or covering: Paint and varnish act as protective seals for woodwork.) tetning
    2. verb
    1) (to mark with a seal: The document was signed and sealed.) sette segl på, forsegle
    2) ((negative unseal) to close completely: He licked and sealed the envelope; All the air is removed from a can of food before it is sealed.) klebe igjen, tette, lakke
    3) (to settle or decide: This mistake sealed his fate.) besegle
    - seal of approval
    - seal off
    - set one's seal to
    II si:l noun
    (any of several types of sea animal, some furry, living partly on land.) sel, kobbe
    subst. \/siːl\/
    1) segl, forsegling, plombe(ring), oblat
    2) seglstemplet, signet
    3) ( overført) besegling, bekreftelse, garanti
    4) ( overført) preg, stempel
    5) (brev)merke
    6) ( teknikk) pakning, tetning
    7) vannsegl (i vannlås)
    8) ( radio) tetning
    9) ( petroleumsfag) tetning
    given under my hand and seal forsynt med mitt segl og min underskrift
    receive the seals tiltre embetet\/stillingen
    seal of approval eller stamp of approval kvalitetsstempel
    seals of office embete, ministerportefølje
    set one's seal to besegle, billige, godkjenne ( overført) sette sitt preg\/stempel på
    put one's seal to sette sitt segl på\/under ( overført) gi sitt samtykke til
    put the seal of one's approval on something gi sitt samtykke til, sanksjonere, skrive under (på)
    under the seal of confession under skriftesegl
    under the seal of confidence i dypeste fortrolighet
    under the seal of secrecy under taushetsløfte
    subst. \/siːl\/
    1) ( zoologi) sel, kobbe
    2) selskinn
    verb \/siːl\/
    drive selfangst, fange sel
    verb \/siːl\/
    1) sette (sitt) segl på, besegle, forsyne med (sitt) segl
    2) ( overført) besegle, bekrefte, garantere, avgjøre, bestemme
    3) lukke med segl, forsegle, plombere
    4) ( overført) prege, sette sitt preg på
    5) tette, plombere, forsegle (med lakk eller voks), lakke, vokse
    6) klebe igjen
    7) ( om mål og vekt) justere og plombere, stemple med justeringsjern
    be a sealed book for someone være et avsluttet kapittel for noen
    my lips are sealed min munn er lukket med sju segl
    seal a gap ( militærvesen) tette (igjen) en luke (i fronten), stoppe et angrep
    seal (down) forsegle, klebe igjen
    seal off sperre av
    seal up forsegle, plombere

    English-Norwegian dictionary > seal

  • 20 seal

    affix a seal скреплять печатью seal зоол. тюлень; common seal тюлень обыкновенный; eared seal нерпа; сивуч; fur seal морской котик contract under seal договор за печатью customhouse seal таможенная печать customs seal печать таможни customs seal таможенная пломба seal зоол. тюлень; common seal тюлень обыкновенный; eared seal нерпа; сивуч; fur seal морской котик seal зоол. тюлень; common seal тюлень обыкновенный; eared seal нерпа; сивуч; fur seal морской котик seal печать; клеймо; Great Seal, State Seal большая государственная печать; Privy Seal малая государственная печать seal окончательно решать; his answer sealed our fate его ответ решил нашу судьбу municipal seal муниципальная печать municipal seal печать муниципалитета seal запечатывать (тж. seal up); my lips are sealed = на моих устах печать молчания; я должен молчать notary's seal печать нотариуса oil seal тех. сальник postal seal почтовая печать seal печать; клеймо; Great Seal, State Seal большая государственная печать; Privy Seal малая государственная печать to receive (to return) the seals принять (сдать) должность канцлера или министра seal герметически закрывать, изолировать; замазывать, запаивать (тж. seal up) seal запечатывать (тж. seal up); my lips are sealed = на моих устах печать молчания; я должен молчать seal запечатывать seal знак, доказательство, гарантия; the seal of approval знак одобрения seal тех. изолирующий слой, изоляция seal клеймить seal клеймо seal котиковый мех seal тех. обтюратор; seal of love печать любви (поцелуй, рождение ребенка и т. п.); seal of death in one's face печать смерти на лице seal окончательно решать; his answer sealed our fate его ответ решил нашу судьбу seal опечатывать, пломбировать seal опечатывать seal охотиться на тюленей, котиков seal тех. перемычка; затвор seal печать; клеймо; Great Seal, State Seal большая государственная печать; Privy Seal малая государственная печать seal печать seal пломба seal пломбировать seal скреплять (сделку и т. п.) seal скреплять печатью seal ставить печать, скреплять печатью seal торжественно узаконить; to seal a marriage сочетать браком seal зоол. тюлень; common seal тюлень обыкновенный; eared seal нерпа; сивуч; fur seal морской котик seal тюленья кожа seal торжественно узаконить; to seal a marriage сочетать браком seal знак, доказательство, гарантия; the seal of approval знак одобрения seal of approval знак одобрения seal of company печать компании seal тех. обтюратор; seal of love печать любви (поцелуй, рождение ребенка и т. п.); seal of death in one's face печать смерти на лице seal тех. обтюратор; seal of love печать любви (поцелуй, рождение ребенка и т. п.); seal of death in one's face печать смерти на лице seal of office должностная печать SealGreat Seal большая государственная печать (Великобритания) to set one's seal to одобрить; under my hand and seal за моей собственноручной подписью и с приложением печати to set one's seal to поставить печать, удостоверить seal печать; клеймо; Great Seal, State Seal большая государственная печать; Privy Seal малая государственная печать state seal государственная печать to set one's seal to одобрить; under my hand and seal за моей собственноручной подписью и с приложением печати under the seal of secrecy (или confidence, silence) с условием хранить тайну, молчание

    English-Russian short dictionary > seal

См. также в других словарях:

  • Under the hand of — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • At the hand of — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Putting the hand under the thigh — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To be hand and glove with — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To lift the hand against — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To put forth the hand against — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To put the hand unto — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To set the hand to — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Seal of the Confessional and the Anglican Church — The Seal of the Confessional is a principle of the Anglican Church that protects the words spoken during confession. Confession has certain censures on disclosure as there is an understanding among the clergy that there is an inviolable… …   Wikipedia

  • Hand — (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in man and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hand bag — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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